Replica Alloy Wheels
Tyresave is providing customers across the world with high quality replica alloy wheels for classic cars. These alloys are perfect for customers with rare vintage cars that want to have wheels that look very similar to the original wheels. The material of the alloys are much more up to date and the alloys won’t be decades old. Our prices are in sets of 4 and include the cost of delivery and VAT. If you require less than 4 wheels you will need to contact one of our experts for a quote. For purchasing more than 4 wheels simply add 25% of the original for every wheel you want to add.
Why purchase replica alloy wheels from Tyresave
We are guaranteeing quality alloy wheels to all of our customers looking to purchase new alloy wheels. Adding a set of our replica wheels to your vehicle can help create a replicating of your vintage dream car. If you’re a local UK and want to purchase wheels that we have in stock we can provide you with next day delivery. The less popular wheels that we don’t usually stock can take up to 3 weeks but we always ensure that everyone around the world is given the highest quality wheels for their vehicle. Whether its alloys for new cars, classic cars or vans we’re the place to go!
Tyresave can also supply tyres that are new or part-worn which are fitted to the wheels for UK orders. We accept various different payment methods including Visa, Delta, MasterCard, Switch, Solo and American Express. Customers are more than welcome to pay with cash, cheques, debit card, credit card or through PayPal.
Contact us today for your replica alloy wheels
Get in touch today to purchase a new set of replica wheels. Our team are more than happy to providing you with extra advice if you have any enquiries. To talk to one of our experts call us onĀ 01244 813030, use our contact form.